591 Reportage - Rafael Arocha
Rafael's exhibition "Aprender a volar" was recently on show in Baluarte de La Candelaria in Cádiz, Spain. The exhibition holds more than 80 images about the students of Real Conservatorio de Danza of Cádiz. You will find more about the reportage and the exhibition on rafaphoto.blogspot.com. I like this reportage very much and Rafael's thinking about it. His curiousity as a photographer is evident - he seems to have been everywhere around these students of the academy. Rafael says:
"Siempre he sentido una innata curiosidad por aquello que se esconde detrás de lo que vemos. Por conocer cómo son los procesos, el desarrollo, las relaciones y el esfuerzo diario que desemboca en una experiencia en ocasiones efímera. "Aprender a volar" comienza como ejercicio que ejemplifica esa curiosidad para convertirse, no sólo en retrato del esfuerzo que supone la práctica de la danza, sino en unas pinceladas visuales que dialogan sobre la amistad, el respeto, la admiración y el trabajo que conlleva luchar para convertir en realidad un sueño."
I have always been curious to know what´s hidden behind the surface, the things we do not see. To understand the process, the development and the daily efforts that result in experiencing a unique moment. "Learning to fly" begins with the lessons and training representing the desire to transform, not only portraying the efforts of learning to dance, but also some visual brush strokes that refers to friendship, respect, admiration and the work to realize a dream.
See "Aprender a volar" by Rafael Arocha
Rafael Arocha
Born: 1978
Lives in: Barcelona
Latest exhibition: Baluarte de la Candelaria, Cadiz. "Aprender a volar"
Coming, planned exhibition: Can Baste, Barcelona. "Aprender a volar" (proyection)
Inspiration (photographers): Ramon Massats, Alberto García Alix, Chema Madoz... Avedon, H. Newton, Salgado, Klein, Bresson, E. Smith, Arbus, Petersen....
Inspiration (other): Won Kar Wai, Angel González, Antonio Vega.
Film, digital or both: both
Quote: "and then photography as a word, as a time machine, as a mirror..."
Homepage: www.rafaphoto.blogspot.com