vacant thinkingspots

Photo © Ulf Fågelhammar, 2005


Tiberio Fanti said…
Well done!
(you know very well that Ibra won't get back to sit on a swedish team's bench very soon)
Mr Urbano said…
Zlatan will not sit on any bench, anywhere, anytime
he must play all the time
you should be thankful to "el filosofo" who sent him away
he was too great for Barca
Rhonda Boocock said…
beautiful vacancies...looks like they go on forever!
br said…
vacant with traces and textures. good work!!
Simon Johansson said…
the rain makes it perfect. good!
Unknown said…
Love this, Ulf!
Balogh Anita said…
...a rainy day...excellent mood.
Mikael said…
The emptiness in Barca after zlatan ;)