rural Colombia - Andrea Mudge

San Agustin is a small town in the southern state of Huila, Colombia.  The fincas surrounding the town have extremely rich soil and produce oranges, tangerines, papayas, avocados, lulos, coffee, corn and sugar cane.  Just down the road from the finca where I stayed was a panela factory, where sugar cane is boiled down, poured into molds and hardened to produce large blocks of raw sugar.   The workers there were proud of their labour and enthusiastic to share their process. For their own enjoyment, these guys also make a sugar cane "whiskey" and a taffy-like candy.  The flora along the roads was colorful and diverse, and contributed to the spectacular views. --Andrea Mudge

Andrea is my niece and has recently become more interested in photography. It is with pride that I post these photos, as she has a great eye and a genuine interest in her subjects. --BRowland


Rhonda Boocock said…
Excellent series!! A 'good eye' must run in the family!
Mr Urbano said…
The first image is classy with a classic feeling - it is an excellent series altogether. Gracias Andrea and Bea.
Mikael said…
Nice work, thanks for sharing!