Vintage Photo Days

My uncle Henry, front row left with the rest of the aircrew during World War II

The same uncle (tallest) and crew under their Halifax bomber.

Grandfather and family picnicking, wish I'd known him! 1950s

Aunt Elsie, Uncle Henry his wife Hazel and a baby, not sure who the baby is! Late 50s I guess.

My father's work colleague holding her baby and myself the smallest - 1960

Auntie Elsie, grandfather, grandmother and at the back my father. I think my mother took the photo, on holiday in the late 50s.
Some of my family photos.


mrurbano said…
they are so wonderful Paul
many thanks for sharing
a piece of history from a family's perspective
br said…
great family photos!!!
Rhonda Boocock said…
Great photos...a wonderful glimpse into your family!
Sehraeuber said…
great collection, Paul!
particularly I love the picture "family picnic".