Cosmin Visean x 4

Safe from harm

Fly me to the moon

Panic room

Memento mori
Photos © Cosmin Visean

Tatiana brings us more photography from Romania. Don't stop!

Cosmin Visean

Born: 1979

Lives in Ploiesti, Prahova county
Inspiration: my sadness
I only work on film now.

Favourite photographer: Camil Tulcan


silviu pavel said…
excellent work! :)
Rhonda Boocock said…
tatiana said…
Your sadness talks with my sadness....!
Mikael said…
Super, first and second are awesome
Darren said…
Emotive work...excellent!!!!
br said…
all are very nicely seen...excellent!!!
anca said…
esti foarte talentat
Anca-Mihaela... said…
asa cum ti-am mai spus,esti sensibil,desi aparent esti de piatra..imi plac fotografiie tale..sant misca..mult...