Introducing 591 Spaces

Foggy Mountain © Rhonda Prince

Dear reader of 591 Photography. I had not been able to create and keep this project going without the support of some good friends who have offered me important advice and suggestions.

When I started
this site, it was quite clear to me that I didn't want it to be a group blog. However, I wanted to have some friends around and also to present a possibility for them to participate in a more active and continous way. Well, they say you can´t have the cake and eat it? Of course you can.

Watching "Nasa's greatest missions" on a science channel with my dear grandson presented some ideas. Alan Shepherd did the impossible on May 5, 1961 (and Jurij Gagarin a couple of weeks before him - April 12, 1961). They entered space.

Compared to that it seemed like a piece of cake to create a virtual space on 591.

When the first 591 Space opens tonight around midnight cet, you will be presented to one of my good friends who will rule that space - a real person in a virtual space.

My idea about 591 is to create a transparent site, you should always know who's on the other end of the line when writing to 591 photography.
If you write to Mr Urbano - you will reach me (aka Ulf Fågelhammar). If you write to people inhabiting the 591 Spaces, you will reach them directly.

I would like to add a few words about the virtual characters appearing now and then on 591. Citizen Zed is one of them. He will continue to keep his eyes open, especially when it comes to news about the Great depression (or is it the Deep recession?)

Mr Urbano, well you know him. The Professor is another virtual character - a quite eccentric person. But as you probably understand; all such characters are fictional. Any similarity to real persons living or dead, or to characters in other fictional works, is purely coincidental.

The coming year will hopefully see 591 projects, I would like to cooperate with other photographers or writers for a shorter or longer period developing some specific subjects or ideas.

Stay with Channel 5-91 for more.


Mikael said…
Mikael said…
Btw, outstanding pic from Rhonda!!!