A thinker in Gamla Stan

"The night knitter was here". I read this message on a small piece of paper inadvertently left falling aside of this miniature in the old downtown of Gamla Stan. It's a small treasure of the old town so close from the narrow alleys stamped by thousands feet every day and yet so far from the hurrying shutter-buttons of the mass of turists that cross the island. I have learned with time to sit somewhere around the miniature and wait for the island soul to appear.

Photograph, (C) Tiberio Fanti

And I still wonder on meeting someone, on a cold night, that goes around the town, knitting scarfs for the freezing bronzes ... and me.


paulboo said…
What a delightful story and picture, warms the heart :)
Mr Urbano said…
It is a beautiful whole Tiberio - text and picture