Maria Patomella - guest online curator

Photo © Aida Chehrehgosha

I met Maria Patomella last autumn at galleri ikon in Stockholm. Joakim Strömholm was exhibiting his pictures of iconic rock stars; "Looking Back" (see blog entry on 591) and Maria was the curator of this fine exhibition.

The exhibition of Joakim's work on 591 was a "From Wall to Web" experience for me, and I was beginning to understand the potential of holding online exhibitions as an alternative to exhibitions in galleries, museums etc.

Maria is a dedicated, professional curator. She founded the Night Gallery Marie Laveau and is also working with Bildverksamheten Strömholm dedicated to the work of Joakim's father, Swedish master photographer Christer Strömholm.

I think there was some personal chemistry emerging from our meeting at galleri ikon. I like how Maria is constantly working in finding alternative ways to exhibit photography. Many people will never go to a gallery or to a museum to experience exhibitions of photography, but if you bring the photos to places where people meet (Marie Laveau is a restaurant serving dishes with a touch of Lousiana and New Orleans) - you will probably later on see some of them as visitors at the galleries when there is photography on show.

The idea with 591 online Exhibitions is similar. There are many fine exhibitions opening every day around the world, but they will for obvious reasons only be visited by relatively few people. An online exhibition on 591 is open around the clock to anyone
with access to the Internet. I am even beginning to call myself an "online curator" - whatever that is. One thing I know of is that you need to communicate - it is all about a dialogue between the photographer and the curator.

I am excited to see Maria as the first guest online curator on 591. Maria was born in 1975 and has a degree in Art History. She has curated exhibitions in Kulturhuset and Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm.

Opening on Sunday at 5 PM you will enjoy an exhibition on 591 curated by Maria. This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. So, don't go away - more to come soon. - Mr Urbano


Vedres Ági said…
dear Maria, I'm very happy to meet an "online curator" and I'm really excited about 591 "web to wall-series". you'll see the exact story for "closer to beyond" which starts on 10 May from Budapest up to 17 May Genova. we'll invite everybody on the screen. I'd like to make road movie from Hungary to Italy and back.
Oskarp Mask said…
Congratulations to Mr U on contracting Maria as an online curator and congratulations to Maria on joining the wonderful world of 591.
mrurbano said…
Thanks Jurek
Good to stay in contact with you too!
Mikael said…
Welcome Maria, great to have you here and hope it can be a continuing alliance
br said…
Welcome to 591, Maria. I'm eager to see your exhibit!