Wildsein ist kein Kinderspiel. - Being wild is not a childs game.

Last summer my daughter asked me if she could play in the mud.
Most mothers would have answered: Of course NOT!
I thought: She will have lots of fun and I 'll have the chance to take some photos ;)
Above you see the result.....after more than 3 hours in the mud.


Sehraeuber said…
Nicht nur eine grossartige Fotografin, nein ... auch eine grossartige Mutter!
Valeria said…
totally awesome, love it!
daaanke walter ;))) & thank you valeria!
paulboo said…
Magnificent shots Kerstin, certainly worth all the work cleaning her up afterwards!!
Rhonda Boocock said…
serious fun!
Mr Urbano said…
you had fun both of you ;)
Balogh Anita said…
háháháháhá....wer braucht Spielzeugen, wenn gibt's anderes auch? ....grossartig!!!!
Mikael said…
Intense and very good