from mr urbano's scrapbook

Photo © Ulf Fågelhammar


kkk said…
the tent-nipple is great!
kkk said…
I've just discovered the link to the rest of your 72 pictures ...
a great look of life in black&white...
poetic darkness melted with graphic enlightment...
my favorites are 41 & 54....
reduced to the it!
Unknown said…
Interesting and beautiful! I´ve a lot of favorites, Ulf!
Rhonda Boocock said…
Some old favorites it was good to see again but also some I've never seen. You've always had a way with light and shadow...thank you Mr. Urbano for a glimpse into your scrapbook!
Mikael said…
Now you just have to make a poster and put it up for permanent exhibition
Its really a great collection!!!
Anonymous said…
Yes! Strong poetic images!

Ludvig Nordahl said…
riktigt grym serie, några riktiga pärlor, fortsätt jaga ljuset och skuoggorna
Jan Bernhardtz said…
scrapbook? this is great!
Michael W said…