591 Exhibition: Pascal Fellonneau - Under Construction
These photos belong to a present in progress, where a visible future and a remaining past are simultaneously visible. Geography and topology are the core of this work, as well as the idea of frontier, natural or artificial.
My images are an attempt to make a topological measurement. In the peripheral districts I focus on, nature barely plays any part. Landscapes are entirely manmade, designed by the “hand of man”. Despite the unity this expression suggests, there are in fact many different intentions at work, often opposite ; forging these temporary landscapes. The result is clash and chaos, stains, traces and sketches of acts left in their process, inconsistent, unsuccessful, uncompleted.
Pascal Fellonneau is a French independant photographer located in Bordeaux, France. An important part of his work explores landscape in an urban environment at the fringes of cities. It strives to depict the architectural, cultural and social mutations caused by the upheavals of the modern world. He feels the urge to record environment changes, suburban expansion, desolated and industrial spaces, waste grounds, man-altered landscapes, non-places. As if suddenly mattered to take possession of such territories and witness the layers of change occurring in his urban reality.
I like it a lot