Country days - Brett Van Ort
photos copyright Brett Van Ort
From Brett Van Ort: "Good Friday 2009, a tornado ripped through Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The farm (Cabinwood) my mother grew up on was right in the twisters path. Thankfully no one in our family was injured, however two people died as a result of the storm in another part of the town.
I regularly visited the farm growing up and as I grew up Murfreesboro expanded. It is now a commuter community 30 miles southeast of Nashville. I took photos of the farm during my visits over the years. What is now a scrap heap of mortise, lumber, glass and rock was at one time for me a mysterious place that held secrets everywhere. Now it seems those secrets are out in the open and the mystery, not to mention the trees that provided a canopy to hold those secrets in, are gone. My aunt and uncle still live on the farm in another house and they have slowly started to plant trees that will cultivate those mysteries again for future generations of our family."
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