Portrait of a photographer
Photographer Knut Koivisto
Photo © Sanna Sjöswärd
Sanna tells me that she is currently photographing and planning for an exhibition to open in Stockholm in the beginning of September. You will learn more about it on 591 photography later on. Sanna Sjöswärd is an excellent Swedish photographer who I even have had the pleasure to meet. - Mr Urbano
Sanna Sjöswärd on 591 Photography
Website www.sannafoto.se
Photo © Sanna Sjöswärd
Sanna tells me that she is currently photographing and planning for an exhibition to open in Stockholm in the beginning of September. You will learn more about it on 591 photography later on. Sanna Sjöswärd is an excellent Swedish photographer who I even have had the pleasure to meet. - Mr Urbano
Sanna Sjöswärd on 591 Photography
Website www.sannafoto.se