rated by the Professor #2

The so called photographer Mikael Jansson has written to me once more. I will give some credits for his endurance and therefore analyze his photo thoroughly in order to teach him something about Photography.

Overall impression: A quite average photo supposedly taken abroad. Mr Johansson seems to like rubbish and junk - have a look at the messy background!
His worst mistake is to not take two or three steps forward - haven't you heard about getting closer to the main motif Mr Jansen?
My advice is that you go back and retake the picture! Good luck!

Analyze of some details:

This looks quite nice after I have cropped it. Have a look at the hands and feet of mother and child. The kid has got a funny haircut too. But Mr Jonasson missed this opportunity to make a decent photo.

Why? I am looking at what probably is supposed to be the main motif ( a woman and a child) and immediatley I get distracted by some numbers on a registration plate. Is this relevant? No Mr Jansson, you include too much in the photo.

From a technical point of view your picture has few benefits. And this is awful. Have you ever been to a darkroom? Then you should know that there are ways to avoid that this woman's hair looks like a coal cellar. Even in the digital darkroom there must be some possible adjustments in order to reveal some details and shades. Well, Mr Jensen (are you Danish?) - do your homework next time!

Nice detail. Mr Johnson has some talent when it comes to photographing hands and feet.

Dear Michael Johnson. One of the first rules in Photography is to not cut off people's heads. You did it.

The Professor's rating: 1 Professor


Mr. Jensen said…
You are most humble Massa Prof.
I will work hard to get 2 professors next time ;)
the Professor said…
Dear Mr Johnson
I appreciate your efforts however you have to work very hard to get 2 P