Pictures of Cuba

Photo © Lars Lindqvist

This preview from an upcoming exhibition by photographer Lars Lindqvist made me jump. Such an excellent photograph - it made me think of a classic shot by Robert Frank from his book "The Americans".

There is a song performed by Inti Illimani; "Si somos americanos, somos hermanos señores, tenemos las mismas flores, tenemos las mismas manos." Lindqvist's photo leads me to think of that beautiful verse too.

Lars Lindqvist has travelled extensively in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. The exhibition covers his visit to Cuba in early 2005 and is curated by Maria Patomella. Vernissage on Feb 21 and the exhibition is on until April 12 at Marie Laveau, Hornsgatan 66 in Stockholm. See also Lars Lindqvist's website:


Paolo Saccheri said…
very fine photo!
Rhonda Boocock said…
yes it does have a Frank feel to it!
Mikael said…
Yes a very good photo and he also got a well deserved 2nd prize in world press photo awards for his strong story about the war in Georgia