591 Exhibition - Goran Popovic
Photos © Goran Popovic
The pictures I chose to introduce this exhibition are called "listen to the silence", "cold as heart" and "lovers". Goran Popovic's pictures are dark and there is an atmosphere of foreboding ...but the people he depicts are there to break the ice, to challenge the silence and the decay. There is a very special mood in his photos that makes me listen to him. Take your time when exploring his visual landscape. It will be worth the effort. - Mr Urbano
Exhibition ended April 18, 2009
Goran Popovic
Born: 1964
Lives in: Subotica, Serbia
Coming, planned exhibition: September, Warsaw, Poland
Inspiration (photographers): Andrzej Dragan, Kevin Cummins, Anton Corbijn
Inspiration (other): Yukio Mishima
Film, digital or both: Both
Quote: "If we value so highly the dignity of life, how can we not also
value the dignity of death? No death may be called futile."
Homepage/contact: http://goranpopovic.blogspot.com/
a fine work.