591 Exhibition - Noëlle Grosso

Photos © Noëlle Grosso

Her bio pic makes me think of a Lauren Bacall of the 21st century. But this is not The Big Sleep and the unforgettable dialogue between Vivian and Marlowe, this is The Mute Sirens - a drama of our time. The people in it appear mute, desperate...desperately in love. I often get a feeling that they are watching something happening or that they are victims of something that just happened to them.

It is a strong series that Noëlle Grosso is working on. When we were preparing this presentation she told me that the series is like a puzzle. Yes, I agree...I think of the woman in the first picture...it looks like she is trying to put her cards in order. I am not sure if she will succeed, because there is no absolute truth or order...there are only feelings, emotions in this great series.
- Mr Urbano

Exhibition ended April 11, 2009

Noëlle Grosso
Born: 1976
Lives in: Brooklyn, NY
Inspiration (photographers): Duane Michals, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Jeff Wall, William Eggleston, Nobuyoshi Araki
Inspiration (other): David Lynch, Louise Bourgeois, Marina Abramović, Vik Muniz, Stanley Kubrick, Bill Viola, Luis Buñuel
Film, digital or both: Film
Quote: "When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know of the griefs that is in me and what do I know of yours?" - Franz Kafka


Yes...a beautiful puzzle...
relationships between men and women can be like a puzzle and there is always a missing piece.
Her strong photographs help us to think about this missing piece.
Oskarp Mask said…
This is great art. I happened to have Spotify on on my computer playing Angel Of Sadness by A Camp while I was looking at these pictures, which turned out to be a perfect soundtrack.
Mikael said…
Strong and good work that feels deep beneath my skin, thank for showing us this excellent work
Paolo Saccheri said…
very fine photos and interesting project!!
musbah alkbir said…
great art photos @ true artist