"Hey, Boys" - exhibition by Ági Vedres in Budapest

more about the exhibition
"Of course, what interests men is women, but what interests Ági Vedres is just the opposite. She is interested in everything that happens with them, and first and foremost in that about which she knows nothing, and which remains hidden or becomes visible only on rare occasions. And this is why she follows them everywhere, tries to become invisible for a time, and then becomes visible so that they can only realise by chance, for just a moment, but by then she has already long finished photographing them.
The exhibition of Ági Vedres, entitled Hey, Boys!, is about guys living in Hungary, in 2010. Those who exist consciously and unconsciously, just hanging around, loafing about, serious, wild or gentle, macho or effeminate, hedonistic, taking the straight path, mischievous, Momma’s boys, muscular or skinny geeks, tattooed or smooth-skinned, hip-hoppers, rappers, skateboarders or serious musicians, junkies and clean, studs or stay-at-home types, bookish or illiterates, rich or broke deadbeats, creative types or those without an idea in their head."
- Quoted from the opening remark by Katalin Keserû, art historian

If somebody is in Europe in summer and in Hungary/Budapest wellcome tomorrow on the show at 6 p.m.
Thank you Ulf.
a boy from France
It's just a matter of luck.
well done Agi.