Francesca Woodman
A new exhibition in (my) town
Francesca Wodman (C), Yet another leaden sky, Rome, 1977-1978
Walking through the desert streets of the self defined "industrial & financial heart" of Italy, these days, is pure pleasure. The late days' rainfalls have cleared the sky as I never was able to see in the last ten years of my life. The foggy and grey town buildings have turned into a kaleydoscope of colors: in some extent it feels like being in Scandinavia!
As the town is empty is much more difficult not to notice the large pictures of a young girl hanging from the tip of a door that cover every corner of the streets. A long waited exhibition of Francesca Woodman is being held at Palazzo della Ragione, facing il Duomo, the downtown Cathedral.Francesca Wodman (C), Untitled, Rome, 1977-1978
So, back in town after a long and suffered vacation, once out of my office, dribbling through groups of japanese tourists heaping to listen at their guides' speech, I reached the old building and treated myself with some remarkable and inspiring works to see.Francesca Wodman (C), Untitled, Providence, Rhode Island, 1975-1978
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