
Photo © Liese Ricketts

It is an amazing and excellent series made by
Liese Ricketts in Oaxaca province of southern Mexico. I have a feeling that the modern man is a bit alienated from this reality - or wants to forget about it. - Mr Urbano


Jurek Holzer said…
Great series!
paulboo said…
These are fabulous and more than a little challenging to look at; we aren't used to confronting the reality of what our food is and how it comes to be in those plastic packages in the shop refrigerator. We live in a sanitised world these days, nice to reminded of reality sometimes.
Bea Elliott said…
Yes, this is a true look at what is an otherwise "sanitized" reality for some... The only thing I would disagree with is the poster who said that "we aren't used to confronting the reality of what our food is..." You see, many of us have examined the "need" of nourishment gotten through "slaughter" and have determined that their "food" is different.

I have not eaten an animal for over 8 years... I assure you that after a certain time --- What is seen in these photos, and in the superstore meat cases is not considered "food" any longer.
Now... stroll me down the produce isle - And there is not a thing I would not be thrilled to eat...

I understand it's a shift in thinking... I can only hope that more people make the connection.
Want to create a better world? Eat like you mean it - Go Vegan
Paolo Saccheri said…
great images!!!!!
bds said…
these are great
cafe selavy said…
How can I say that these are "beautiful" when they are about slaughter? Beautiful.
Mikael said…
Powerful and good work
adm said…
Outstanding piece of work
Rhonda Boocock said…
I've been thinking about this series a lot. Unforgettable they are...