Portraits of the invisible - Trine Søndergaard exhibits in Copenhagen

© Trine Trine Søndergaard

"Strude" by the Danish photographer Trine Søndergaard opens on 19th March at the Glyptotek in Copenhagen, Denmark

The exhibition consists of 23 portraits of women from the North Sea Danish island of Fanø, dressed in the island’s traditional costume. When women went to work in the fields and they wished to protect their faces against the harsh wind and sandstorms, they covered the whole face with a mask or “strude” so that only the eyes were exposed.

Trine Søndergaard says: “It’s the small things I work with – the directions of gazes, the inclination of the face, degrees of turning away and visibility. I am concerned with directing people towards themselves and a mental space. I try to capture what is unsaid and that which is sought covered”

More information about the exhibition: www.glyptoteket.dk/strude-eng
Trine Søndergaard web site
: www.trinesondergaard.com
Trine on 591 Photography


cafe selavy said…
Very nicely done.
:D.... he is so cute dreest like that... :)... nice pics...