wonderful series Paolo for me living in the north, just seeing limes on a tree is kind of a miracle ;) makes me think of a song "I wish I was in Italy where tiny, yellow limes grow on the beach...well something like that And I will never forget the teacher in music classes who made us boys sing it when we were about 13 years old and our voices were changing the world "yellow" guuuuuula was a very high note
just imagine how it sounded when we tried to sing it (I guess the teacher was some sort af a sadist) ;)
Jag längtar till Italien, till Italiens sköna land, där små citroner gula, de växa uppå strand, där näktergalar drilla allt uti dalen stilla, och snäckorna så röda, de lysa uppå sand.
for me living in the north, just seeing limes on a tree is kind of a miracle ;)
makes me think of a song "I wish I was in Italy where tiny, yellow limes grow on the beach...well something like that
And I will never forget the teacher in music classes who made us boys sing it when we were about 13 years old and our voices were changing
the world "yellow" guuuuuula was a very high note
just imagine how it sounded when we tried to sing it
(I guess the teacher was some sort af a sadist) ;)
Jag längtar till Italien, till Italiens sköna land,
där små citroner gula, de växa uppå strand,
där näktergalar drilla
allt uti dalen stilla,
och snäckorna så röda, de lysa uppå sand.
Birger Sjöberg, 1825-1929 (Sweden)
I'll bevery pleased to show you the thousands colors of my place.
Yellow blue
something happened with you.
I feel.