Camphill Ceske Kopisty, revisited

In january 2010, things have changed in Camphill Ceske Kopisty. Tom has moved out, but Vojta and Mirek have moved in, together with a co-worker family, Janeta, Jaroslav and Kristian, and the house is thus fully inhabited. The community is still too small to count as a true camphill farm, but the old storage building is being turned into an apartment building, since the community is hoping to grow.

Petr and Turid feel that they are getting older and are talking about handing over the administration to some one younger, perhaps Janeta and Jaroslav. But their knowledge of the bureaucracy is needed, as is Petr's engineering skills.

Much of the work right now is about planning the restoration of the neighbouring farm that was bought two years ago, and removing brushwood from the yard. The use of these beautiful but ruinous buildings is not yet decided, but the first thing to be done is a proper roof. Petr and Jirka are sketching on a plan, and the community is waiting for permission from the authority of notable buildings to start.

The economic situation seems a bit better than two years ago, but not without problems - we have been living with economic uncertainty all these ten years. But that's how it is. All that is human takes time, says Turid.

Photos and text © Mattias Lundblad
Watch the series "Camphill" published on 591 in August 2009.
Camphill Mattias Lundblad

Camphill Ceske Kopisty is located close to Terezin in the northwest of Czech Republic - a community where people with mental disabilities live together with co-workers. The camphill movement is part of the anthroposophical philosophy and aims to facilitate close personal relationships and social cooperation.


Rhonda Boocock said…
Wonderful. Good to hear the update. I wish there were more programs like this!
Mikael said…
Thank´s for the sequel and nice story/photos
Vedres Ági said…
thank you for sharing what's going on there.
nice people
Paolo Saccheri said…
Bravo Mattias!!
paulboo said…
Excellent journalism images, they really give a deep insight into these peoples lives.
Mattias said…
Thank you so much!