591 Exhibition - Mikael Jansson

Photos © Mikael Jansson
GO to the 591 Permanent Exhibition "Just a Moment" by Mikael Jansson
The second season of 591 Photography online exhibitions is almost over. But "just a moment", there is a very special show left. I made up my mind several months ago, that the final exhibition of this season should be a generous display of the photography of Mikael Jansson. It is a bit hard for me to be neutral (whatever that is) about his work since Mikael is a good friend. I know him for being the opposite of pretentious (a virtue in my book), but his passion of photography is profound and real. His moments bring us the human perspective, whether they are captured in Jakarta, Stockholm or elsewhere. Please enjoy this great show - the title was something we came up with together.
Thanks for being around Mikael. - Mr Urbano
Note - this is the last exhibition of the second season, but watch out for the spring exhibition opening on March 14 and please have a look at all the fine shows now on display. The third season will open in September.

M Jenemark