Dear Friends - American photographs of men posing together, 1840-1918

Unknown photographer, ca 1890. Courtesy: Robert Flynt

Unknown photographer, ca 1915, Henry Schelberger and Arthur Anderson.
Courtesy: Peter Miller

The exhibition "Dear Friends" examines a rich and widespread but largely forgotten tradition of the 19th century photography in USA, with men confirming a close friendship by posing together.

The approximately 60 images in the exhibition are taken from public and private collections in the United States. They suggest that there was a surprisingly unprejudiced approach to intimacy between men, which goes against the general view about the Victorian period.
The photographs depict all kind of men: noble gentlemen, factory workers, farmers, classmates, cowboys, sailors etc.

"Dear Friends" has been organized by guest curator David Deitcher. The exhibition will be on in Stockholm this spring March 20 – May 24 in Kulturhuset

Also reminding all fans of Loretta Lux: The exhibit will open in Kulturhuset Feb 28 - see article on 591.


br said…
this is fabulous. men posing with men and not in a he-man super-hero way. the ambiguity is absolutely intriguing and generous for interpretation. thanks, urbano, great stuff.
Anonymous said…
Unique and lovely !
