Rue Saint Marthe - Jérôme Gorin
This series by photographer Jérôme Gorin is very dear to me. It was almost like a blessing to find Jerome's story of a street in Paris. I was looking for photographers in Paris depicting their proper city and I almost immediately came across the work of Jérôme Gorin. These are photographs that will stay in my mind for a very long time. - Mr Urbano
GO to the 591 Gallery to watch more pictures from Rue Saint Marthe by Jérôme Gorin
My subject about “Rue Sainte Marthe” is one of my favourite subjects because I lived there during 8 years and I still have my studio in this neighbourhood. I know every door, every window, every courtyard. All the people I’ve photographed are friends of mine, we have shared more than 10 years of this street’s history together, and the story still goes on.
Like in the majority of my personal subjects, I did this work with my Hasselblad, in black and white. I’ve always preferred the square format, and working with films allows me to develop them in my dark room and produce my prints.
You can find out more about my work on my website :
Text and photos © Jérôme Gorin