...from Stockholm - by Simon Johansson
Simon Johansson is one of the exhibitors on 591 Photography Gallery. I am sure you remember his photos from Paris (see history of exhibitions) This series is dedicated to his home city - Stockholm. I like it very much, Simon is looking at Stockholm with humour and compassion even in the grim days of winter.
Today (and the coming months ) Stockholm is probably one of the most inviting and beautiful capitals of the world. I have to say that, even if the financial disease created on Wall Street, has affected the Swedish economy as well and people lose their jobs in tens of thousands. On top of that there is a mysterious swine flu spreading around the world.
However, today there is nothing that will stop me from saying "... from Stockholm" and enjoy Simon's pictures of our city.
See the full series ...from Stockholm by Simon Johansson
Men nu vill jag se bilderna på riktigt, hängda på en vitkaklad vägg i nån industrilokal så jag kan få dricka bubbel och äta jävla salta pinnar när jag tittar på dem. FattAR DU DET?!?":::
@ Alarmisten: ordnar du lokal så fixar jag pinnarna... Deal?
the pic was shot at 04-06-07 15:18
Do you know the person who's in it?
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