591 Summer exhibition - with 120 portraits on show

591 Photography proudly presents the summer exhibition of 2009 dedicated to the Portrait. The final selection holds 120 pictures by 64 photographers from more than a dozen countries. It is the first time that we have made an invitation for a major group exhibition and the response has been overwhelming. We have received several hundreds of great portraits and the process of selecting has not been easy.
The exhibition will be on show until August 29 and I hope that you will come back and enjoy the portraits many times. Every day during the period of the exhibition (except for the last week) 591 will present a photographer and a portrait right here on the blog. It will happen at 5 pm CET. So make it a good habit to check out 591 Photography Blog every day during the Northern hemisphere summer!
I want to thank Beatriz, Vera, Rhonda, Tatiana, Paolo and Mikael of the 591 Spaces who have participated in the selection process and contributed in a wonderful way to set up this show. There has been a dynamic interspace activity with an exchange of opinions and ideas. Truly unforgettable - we have already started to think about next summer's exhibition.
It has been my pleasure to make the final hanging of the portraits in 591 Photography Gallery.
Mr Urbano (aka Ulf Fågelhammar)
Exhibition ended Aug 29, 2009
Poster design: Vera Fehér
I also like the fine poster by Vera!
Enjoy the 591 summer!!
Francisco Mata Rosas
Congratulations to all participants! It's a great show indeed!
Special thanks to Vera for the organising and the amazing poster.
M Jenemark
Thanks for inviting me for the Summer exhibition. I'm glad to be a part of it.
Every time I go into it to look at the work, I find something new that catches my eye.