591 Spring Exhibition: Second Call
Dear friends of 591 Photography, this is a reminder for you to take part in the 4th edition of our main online exhibiting event: the 591 Photography Spring Exhibition.
The Four Elements: Wind, Water, Earth and Fire.
Deadline for submissions is 4 March 2012
Pictures can be up to 900 pixels wide on longest side, 72 dpi
Download our posters for this year's Spring Event. Make a color print and drop them anywhere you want: on your company's bullettin board, on a seat of your commuter train, on tables in break areas and waiting room, at the metro/bus stops, on your car windshield (mind the rearview!), at you favourite photo-club or just behind your desk.
4 Big Thanks!
Please send up to three images for one element. You may of course participate in all four categories leaving you with a maximum of 12 images to submit. Paul, Kerstin, Tiberio and Simon are your hosts for this event.
Wind - Paul Boocock - 591windiness@gmail.com
Water - Kerstin Kuntze - 591water@googlemail.com
Earth - Tiberio Fanti - 591earth@gmail.com
Find more information and words from the Elements curators on our first call (click on the image below):
Fire - Simon Johansson - fire591elements@gmail.com
Find more information and words from the Elements curators on our first call (click on the image below):
The Exhibition PostersDownload our posters for this year's Spring Event. Make a color print and drop them anywhere you want: on your company's bullettin board, on a seat of your commuter train, on tables in break areas and waiting room, at the metro/bus stops, on your car windshield (mind the rearview!), at you favourite photo-club or just behind your desk.
4 Big Thanks!