Planket Stockholm 2009

This I found to be the most interesting part of Planket exhibit in Stockholm this year.

Planket have gone from being an opportunity for every photographer to exhibit in a small square to be an only special invited exhibit for selected artists and this year not even half the space was filled with photos. There were a few good photos but the original idea of planket was long gone.
Let´s hope it will be better next year and hopefully back to its roots.


Mr Urbano said…
Too bad, really too bad...
The original idea is great
Mr Thomas said…
Yes, this is a sad story. As Urbano says, the original idea is great.
Oskarp Mask said…
I absolutely agree: what a shame!
tatiana said…
Lots of fun...and freedom !
MalmöPlanket said…
Välkommen till Malmöplanket.
planketgbg said…
and welcome to planketgbg!