591Photography Exhibition: Francisco Mata Rosas
The language of photography, of a picture is universal. However, people from various parts of the world will interpretate a photography in many different ways. Thanks to the internet a picture may travel around the world in just a few seconds. It is fascinating.
591 Photography is an international effort and we are doing our best to overcome the language barriers that exist. First of all by showing you pictures by photographers from many countries and with different social, economic, political and cultural experiences.
591 Photography is an international effort and we are doing our best to overcome the language barriers that exist. First of all by showing you pictures by photographers from many countries and with different social, economic, political and cultural experiences.
I am very glad to see Francisco Mata Rosas from Mexico inaugerate the second season of 591 Photography online exhibitions with his remarkable photos from Centro Habana. Francisco is a very experienced photographer who never will be satisfied by just scratching the surface of matters. He is like an investigative journalist who struggles to find what is behind the many layers of the contemporary world. I wish there were many more of his kind.
There is a picture in this exhibition that haunts me, a person lying in a bed...the eyes, the cigarette stump... it is a masterful photo as so many in this exhibition. Take your time to find out what is "hidden behind the classic cars, the mulattos, the tobacco, the sunsets, the music and the rum" as Francisco Mata Rosas puts it in his introduction to "Centro Habana". - Mr Urbano
Centro Habana (introduction)
591 Photography online Exhibition Aug 30 - Nov 22, 2009
Francisco Mata Rosas
México City, 1958
With degree in Mass Media Studies, is member of Artists Without Frontiers. His work has been exposed in individual exhibitions in several countries: Mexico, Holland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, England, United States, Scotland, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru, Honduras, Cuba, Costa Rica, Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, South Africa, Slovakia, the Ukraine and China.
His photographies has been exposed in collective exhibitions (selection):
• Mexico Stad, Koninklijk Instituut Voor Tropen in Amsterdam, Holland 1992
• Mexican Photographers, Festival Book in Frankfurt, Germany 1992
• Light Factory in Louisiana, U.S. 1993
• Black Butterfly, Images of Death from Mexico in Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland, October and November of 1995
• Kobe Aid Fund, World photo art exhibition & auction, in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan January-March of 1996
• Photography month, in Paris, France 1996
• Photo Spain, Madrid, Spain,2000
• Instituto Cervantes, London, England, 2002
• ABCDF, portraits d´une ville Institut du Mexique à Paris, Paris
• Contemporary Mexican Photojournalism 2002, MoCP - The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL, USA.2004
• ABCDF - Portraits of Mexico City, Queens Museum of Art, New York City, NY, USA.2006
• The era of the discrepancy, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2008.
Was invited in world-wide project "24 hours in Cyberspace", February of 1996, as one of the 150 photojournalists selected in the world.
He is also author of 5 books: América Profunda, Sábado de Gloria, Litorales, Mexico Tenochtitlan and Tepito, ¡bravo el barrio!
Mata Rosas has obtained several awards, among others:
• Biennial of Mexican Photography, 1988.
• Prize of Honor in the Bicentennial of the French Revolution, 1989 (France).
• Scholarship of Creative Young people of FONCA, 1989 (Mexico).
• Annual Third Mother Jones, 1993 (USA)
• Fuji prize in 1996 and Great Prize in 1997 of the Internet Magazine in Japan.
• Honor in Photojournalism, Black and White Spider Awards, 2006 (USA).
He belongs since 2000, to “Sistema Nacional de Creadores” of CONACULTA, México.
His photographic job has been published in The New York Times, L.A.. Times; The Press in Canada, and in the most of mexican newspapers. Also, his work has published in several magazines in England, USA, Portugal, Italy, France, Japan, China, Spain and Mexico.
Francisco is a Visual Arts college teacher.
Web site: www.franciscomata.com.mx
Hurts but so beautiful.
Obra bella, atractiva, seductra.
Me encantó.
Rico acceder a ella por este extraordinario medio.