The hours

Photo © Paolo Saccheri
This portrait was a "love at first sight" when Paolo presented it. Classic, feel invited to share the young woman's thoughts there by the window. I did not realize at first that it portrays a dear friend of 591 which will not make this unforgettable portrait less loveable. - Mr Urbano

OTHER portrait by Paolo Saccheri in 591 Summer exhibition
a "designer"


tatiana said…
One of my FAV from yours !
Simona said…
lovely, soft, intense candid portrait! and perfect title :)
Biró Roland said…
beautiful :))
Mikael said…
Timeless and classic is the word here, darn good it is!
Paolo Saccheri said…
thank you all...
The whole image, I think, lives mostly for the austere elegance of the subject, yet minorily for the estemporary composition! So thanks to the unconscious model too.