My Best Picture - Walter Neiger
A long time ago as the world was still with film photographed, I designed this picture patiently in my darkroom with developer, film,photo paper, scissors and glue, subsequently hand-colored with black tea or brown toner … today it would be significantly simpler.
For me, this picture has still after years the same fascination, therefore one of my best.
© Walter Neiger
For me, this picture has still after years the same fascination, therefore one of my best.
© Walter Neiger
Grüessli - Urs
Bravo également pour vos photos et votre coup d'oeil incroyable !
Viele Grüßew & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
gibt dem ganzen bild
mehr seele.
mag ich sehr.
beste grüße!