591 Permanent Exhibition: Kerstin Kuntze - Picture Passion.

Her work is a generous display of feelings, expressions and above all passion. It doesn't matter if she is beside, over, under, in front of or in between - it seems that she always finds a visual landscape that goes along with her intentions. I can see her influences from graphic art, but there is really no reason to try to make some in-depth analysis of her work - Kerstin Kuntze's pictures speak to me in a very direct way - they tell me;
just receive, feel and  contemplate. - Mr Urbano

 just click on the text below to see 52 more pictures of kk :

visit the "591 Permanent Exhibition: Kerstin Kuntze"

Born 1965 in Cologne - now living in Frankfurt (Germany).
I'm a freelance Graphic-Designer and Mother of 3 children.
Picturemaking was always an inward urge
and always made with passion.


Why do you take photos?
Because you want to remember...what life is about? Or to forget...the grey? ‎
Because you want to create...something new? Or to destroy...illusions?
ecause you want to discover...yourself? Or to loose....yourself?
 Because you want to find....the truth underneath it all?

Or just because it is the only language to let your soul speak?

Whatever the reason maybe - it will enrich your life.
Maybe looking at pictures can do the same.

Kerstin Kuntze


Kumpernatz said…
du machst so fantasievolle wie darstellende, so eindringlich innige wie emotional sezierende fotos!
bist eindeutig meine lieblingsbildermacherin :)))
milton said…
que lindas fotos e muito interessantes,
abraço do Brazil
Valeria said…
Great images, love it :)
daaanke liebes universum ;)
muito obrigado milton! you have a great blog!!
thank you val!!!!!
br said…
excellent photos, congrats!!!
thank you bea ;)
Anonymous said…
These are amazing images.
Rhonda Boocock said…
Your images are always so evocative! Glad to have it here as a permanent exhibition! Congrats!
Bella said…
I agree with Mr Urbanos words!
I like your thinking about photography and I love your pictures so much, they are so special, distinctive, dynamic but so emotional too... your pictures are awesome!!
I like like like ...
Mikael said…
Great work, excellent to have as permanent exhibit
thank you rick+rhonda+bella+mikael!!!!
your words put a big smile on my face ...I'm really proud to be part of 591 ;)
Simon Johansson said…
nice! great work.
mrurbano said…
pictures on fire
Balogh Anita said…
Ich bekomme immer richtig gute Laune, wenn ich deine Fotos sehe..lustig,weiblich voll mit farben..:):)
Henrik said…
Fantastische Bilder, Kerstin! Hut ab vor Deine Kreativität! lg aus Langen
paulboo said…
Stunning images Kerstin, a fine exhibition :)
danke anita, ulf & henrik!!!
thank you simon & paul!! ;)
Sehraeuber said…
Nein nicht nur triple A sondern auch triple F ... F wie Fantasie, Farben und Formen oder ganz einfach ausgedrückt, ich bin ein weiterer Fan deiner kreativen und fantastischen Fotografie.
elfrun kroehl said…
voller optimismus
voller praller lebenslust
kita said…
Only just discovered you
Feel very inspired
Thank you!
kita said…
I pod wrote spass instead of wowWw
Wonder y
Stupid gadget