Vintage Photo Days - Call for Entries

Taken 51 years ago, I'm the smallest one in the hands of my mother.
Dig out those old photo albums and start up the scanners, we'd like you to share some of your favourite vintage photos with us here on 591. They have to be at least 40 years old to qualify as vintage, that's our definition of course based on the fact that a lot of us authors on 591 can remember back a bit further than that so less than 40 years seems modern to us!!

Deadline for entries: will be May 1st and the show will commence on May 15th, please email images to:

The technical stuff: Images need to be a maximum of 800 pixels on the longest side at a resolution of 72dpi and you can send up to 10 of them. Please also tell us something about the pictures too, a little history would be nice, just a brief note though!! 

They don't have to be your own or family photos of course, found images are perfectly acceptable too, those found in junk shops, yard sales, car boot sales etc. would be nice to see also. If you like it then I believe others will too so feel free to share them with the world of 591 photography. Here are a few quotes for inspiration and a picture of mine to start the ball rolling:

"Vintage photos can connect us to the past with a deep sense of nostalgia and usually sentimentality.  Often the photos give us a false sense of former times because they are intertwined with emotions of both love and loss.  The past we remember in our minds and hearts may not be the one we see in a photograph. It is a stolen glimpse of one moment in time. We will feel intimately involved with the moment or completely estranged depending on our own experiences.  We are continually looking to the present for what is happening and the future for what will happen. Vintage photographs declare what has happened and how it will always be…" - Rhonda Prince

"I always say that I don't want to be sentimental, that the photographs shouldn't be sentimental, and yet, I am conscious of my sentimentality" - Robert Frank

"Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past" - Berenice Abbott

"All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this -as in other ways- they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it" - John Berger 


shabnam said…
funny photograph!!!
What a wonderful idea! How great to take a trip down memory lane by looking at vintage photos!