
Street photography is the opposite of preconceived and staged and It depends on something instinctive within the photographer - a quick instinctive reaction to something in constant flux. For me it is also process of self discovery because it is only in reviewing the photos that one becomes fully aware of what one has captured. There is rarely enough time to consider everything in the frame at the time of capture. It can be akin to a stream of consciousness notation which reveals what grabbed one's attention from the constant flow of the street. I also love the surprise of what may be around the next corner and placing my trust in synchronicity, chance and pure luck.   

I was born in Riga Latvia, but grew up in Brooklyn, New York. I have lived in and around New York for most of my life. My Masters degree is in Media Studies from the New School in New York City and for a while I was interested mainly in computer graphics or using the computer as a painting medium, however for the past three years it is street photography that I find most involving and exciting.

Photos and text © Daina Vipulis

More of Daina Vipulis photos on "imagediary"


Your photos are always artistic and inspiring.
Good luck!
Rhonda Boocock said…
Wonderful street photography!
e said…
Daina, I'm such a big fan of you work. It always inspires me.
Dahlhöjd said…
Love the pictures! Especially the first one with the woman! /J
Simona said…
great street photography, grabbed at the right moment/place. Most of all it's instinctive,special feeling.. since every second at any place could offer such great images..
and i love your thinking about " the constant flux of the street"
ggl said…