591 Exhibition: Gene Lowinger - A New York Rambler
I am intuitively drawn to shooting images that suggest a story. If I had to pick one photographer over any other it would be W. Eugene Smith. My second favorite is Henri Cartier-Bresson. My experience at having been a film photographer, and having processed images in a wet darkroom has been invaluable to me in this digital age. I began my photography studies shooting with a completely manual camera – a Leica m4 - and a hand held light meter. To shoot quickly I was forced to learn to read light, set my exposure without a meter, and to zone focus.
This portfolio is strictly b/w, and mostly New York City street photography. When I remove color from an image, I can direct and control the viewers’ eyes with shapes, focus, contrast, and light. To capture a moment in time from the right angle, with the right background and dramatic lighting, combined with the right subject doing the right thing so that the image grabs the viewer’s attention requires tenacity, practice, and a sense of adventure that transcends the medium of film or digital.
Website: www.genelowinger.com
So good to have your photographs here! They are a delight to see!
David Lehrman
now in Washington DC