Born in the 80's - call for entries
It happened in the 1980's:
John Lennon was killed. Post-it notes were invented. Pac-Man was introduced. Michael Jackson’s Thriller sells 20 million albums. CD sales exceed vinyl for the first time.
Liposuction is introduced. Everyone was asking, ‘Who shot JR?’ Cabbage Patch dolls were introduced. AIDS & HIV were discovered.
The first woman went into space. Indira Gandhi was assassinated. Gorbachev became the last president of the Soviet Union. The hole in the ozone layer was detected. New Coke was introduced. Swedish premier Olaf Palme is assassinated.
The Titanic wreckage was found. Nintendo was introduced. An extra second was added to the calendar year. Haley’s Comet returned. The Iran Contra scandal occurred. The Challenger exploded. The Chernobyl disaster. Argentina won the World Soccer Cup. The Berlin wall fell. Students protest on Tienanmen Square, Beijing, China
All of these events and many more happened in the 80’s. 591 would like to find out more about the 80’s and the people of this decade by creating an online exhibition of photography covering three different aspects. We hope the result will be something more than the general cliché about the 80's - let us call it a three-dimensional version of the decade.
1. The Look of the 80’s (pictures taken between 1980 and 1989)
2. The people born in the 80’s (portraits of people born between 1980 and 1989)
3) The Vision of photographers born in the 80's (pictures taken by photographers born between 1980 and 1989)
You are invited to participate in "Born in the 80's", 591 online Spring Exhibition. The exhibit will be on show from March 14 - May 30, 2010.
Please send 1 - 5 pictures to the email-adress below. All pictures will be looked at - but there is no guarantee in publishing all pictures we receive.
Send your suggestions of pictures ( 1-5 photos) to:
Pictures should be max 800 pixel width or height and 72 dpi. Jpeg, jpg.
Square formate could be max 600x600.
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