sleeping pirate boy with umbrella

Photo © Ulf Fågelhammar
I remember a TV film about the Swedish master photographer Georg Oddner. He was a photographer who walked the streets, talked to people and saw the world from his unique point of view.

In this film he talked about a small project he was working on - it was about photographing umbrellas that people had left behind. Such a wonderful idea - and why not get inspired and look for umbrellas dear reader of 591? Come rain or come sunshine.

I just found out that Malmö museer now has an online display of 88 of Georg Oddners classic pictures. What a treasure. You should go and see them!
Malmö Museer-Georg Oddner


Oskarp Mask said…
There is a great picture by Oddner of a broken umbrella in front of WTC in New York just before the attack on 9/11!
Mr Urbano said…
yes, I remember that one
Mikael said…
Sleeping in piratebay ;)
br said…
surprising and interesting comp. great!