Still Moments from the River of Time - Mikael Good
The perfect Christmas tree, Riga
Katarinahissen, Stockhom
Still Moments from the River of Time
I usually work as a documentary photographer and reporter and i´m probably best known for my photos from China, Latvia and Russia. But i like to take snapshots of the people i meet on the streets when ever i can. Even if some people might call it street photography i rather call it street documentary photo since i try to capture the still moments from the river of time in a documentary way.
Jumping girl, Riga
Another World is Possible, Jönköping
Boarding the train, Jönköping
I prefer to work in black and white. To quote Robert Frank; "Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected".
Sad day, Jönköping
Waiting for the man, Riga
I am ashamed, Pompeji
Outside the Concert Hall, Stockholm
Leaving the train, Jönköping
Mikael Good
Born: 1968 in Borås, Sweden
Lives in: Husqvarna, Sweden
Inspiration: Josef Koudelka, Sebastião Salgado, Dorothea Lange, Werner Bischof, Christer Strömholm, Sune Jonsson and Cartier Bresson.