This city ain't big enough

At the mall. Kalmar, Sweden

Figaro. Paris, France

All days 8 to 20. Vagnhärad, Sweden

Bag lady. Paris, France

Photos © Simon Johansson

Simon - it is a pleasure to see you open a space on this undefined flying object called 591 and dedicated to photography. You are already known to our readers from series, exhibitions and many fine single pictures. I am happy to see you entering the world of 591 Photography in an even more closer relationship - Mr Urbano
VISIT Simon's Space


Michael W said…
br said…
welcome to the 591 space platform. your work is great!
"take your protein pill and put your helmet on" --Space Oddity, David Bowie :))
Anonymous said…
Oh, the more we get together,
Together, together,
Oh, the more we get together,
The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
Oh, the more we get together,
The happier we'll be!

Welcome Simon !

Simon Johansson said…
thanks! this is going to be fun!
Mikael said…
Yeah, welcome to da hood Bro!!