chairs and table - a developing story

Photos © Ulf Fågelhammar

I have told you about this unsolved mystery. See "things you can't google". This time I tried a colour film to see if something new would be revealed. I even photographed the scene in different light conditions and from various angles.

Well, I will be back there by end of August. I will keep you informed.
- Mr Urbano


Simon Johansson said…
good idea!
Rhonda Boocock said…
the colour adds a different dimension to the mystery...good work! :)
Mikael said…
A new drama is born, fingernails will be bitten along the way ;)
Excellent light in these
paulboo said…
That light is rather fabulous, the star of the show for sure :o)
Paolo Saccheri said…
I like the continuing story of table and chairs!! ;-))