My Best Picture - Mikael Good

The picture that i regard as my best picture (yet) is: A Little Girl from Damu Village, China © Mikael Good, 2004

Description: After my visit to Damu village in mid december 2004 the local commune decided to rebuild the school and drill for a well outside the village. The school also received money from the Swedish NGO Hoppets Stjärna, money that they used for school material and sports equipment. 

Even if the little girl in the picture living situation was really bad in december 2004 her situation is much better today. Pictures can really make a difference :)


br said…
a very emotive photo with a positive outcome story! thank you!
Mikael said…
Impossible to ignore this one, high impact and very good
Mikael Good said…
Thanks br an Mikael for your comments :)