Focus on The Grand Focus - Uppsala this weekend
The group exhibition opens on 22 September at Uppsala fotografiska sällskap. The ten photographers (from Sweden and Finland) have prepared the exhibition according to the manifesto The Grand Focus.
More info: and
The photographers are: Britt Aximon, Jan Bernhardtz, Daniel Björkert, Kristofer Bratt, Madelene Johansson, Johan Kauppinen, Lena Källberg, Ulla Larsson, Christer Törnkvist and Li Östlund.
Photo © Daniel Björkert
The 10LoFi group, formed by ten photographers from Sweden and Finland, has been discussing low fidelity photography together since 2008 and all of the group's members were active in this field even before they met. The group's first two exhibitions took place in Gothenburg and Uppsala in 2010.
We will continue using our simple photographic tools to explore the world around us and its phenomena. We question technology by regaining control and conducting our own versions of the photographic process. We create photographs based on the lack of control in our cameras, instead of letting ourselves be programmed by the algorithms of major manufacturers of photographic equipment.
Our aim is to move beyond the apparent and towards the emotional. In order to get there, we again use simple, old or homemade cameras, where the original lens is sometimes replaced by pinholes, zone plates, reversed or homemade lenses. This being made with a great deal of craftsmanship and love for the experience of photographic quality. Excerpts from the 10Lo-fi manifesto