591 Exhibition: Yanina Boldyreva - Twice One
Yanina Boldyreva is like a volcano erupting with creativity. Apart from this brilliant show called "Twice One" she has shown me pictures that are absolutely outstanding. I would not be suprised if Yanina in the coming years will create something grand, like a milestone in the history of photography. - Mr Urbano
The project reflects my vision of the consciousness of a person who is in a condition of mental bifurcation. We often feel one thing and we declare another. We try to put ourselves in frameworks and representations which are created for us by a society.
In my works the photo is a metaphor of that embodiment which we accept for others. It is our external social cover. Drawing becomes inseparable from the real image. It is a metaphor of our creative communication between the world and our internal sensation of it. Drawing is an essence which we often miss while it becomes erased to unrecognisability.
The given series is spiritual search among sociality, it is visualisation of interaction between external and internal, connected and discharged from each other.
Works designate aversion and loneliness in the individual. So, in these works the person looks destroyed, disharmonious, deprived of the completeness both in social and in personal spheres. He is a being with the huge contradiction, a curve projection in the world where nothing is visible, except our own feelings and self-expression.
Photos and text © Yanina Boldyreva
Was born at 1986 in Novosibirsk, Russia
2003-2009 graduated to mural-artist
Since 2007 profesional photographer and digital artist
Since 2009 performer of mural panting, producer and participant of the art-group LUDISTEN(wall`s men)
Personal exhibitions
2007-first personal exhibition “Files”, NO SOAP gelery, Novosibirsk
2010-second personal exhibition in NEPOKORENNYgelery, Novosibirsk
2012 "Ise" - personal exhibition in Photowall galary, St. Petersburg
Collective exhibit project
2010 “Snowosibirsk” , St. Petesburg
Photos and text © Yanina Boldyreva
Was born at 1986 in Novosibirsk, Russia
2003-2009 graduated to mural-artist
Since 2007 profesional photographer and digital artist
Since 2009 performer of mural panting, producer and participant of the art-group LUDISTEN(wall`s men)
Personal exhibitions
2007-first personal exhibition “Files”, NO SOAP gelery, Novosibirsk
2010-second personal exhibition in NEPOKORENNYgelery, Novosibirsk
2012 "Ise" - personal exhibition in Photowall galary, St. Petersburg
Collective exhibit project
2010 “Snowosibirsk” , St. Petesburg
An inventive idea with assured execution, engaging variety ... and a wonderful title! A most impressive body of work.