A Special Day With Florian Fritsch: 9 pm - blue light til dawn


we got nothing & nowhere to go© Falckensteinstraße, Berlin 2010 by Fritsch

Waiting outside while you find your keys / Like bags of trash in the blackening snow / City of neon and toes that freeze / We got nothing and nowhere to go / We got nothing and nowhere / The lights will draw you in / And the dark will take you down / And the night will break your heart / Only if you’re lucky now (Ryan Adams)

my mind got to ramblin’, like a wild geese© S., Berlin 2012 by Fritsch

I laid down last night, laid down last night / I laid down last night, tried to take my rest / My mind got to ramblin’, like a wild geese / From the west, from the west (Skip James)

I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees© S., Berlin 2011 by Fritsch

I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees / I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees / Asked the Lord above “Have mercy, now save poor Bob, if you please” (Robert Johnson)

All pictures © Florian Fritsch

You will find further imaginative picture and text combinations here: http://www.hobokollektiv.net/


mrurbano said…
It has been a day to remember Florian - I will go back here many times to watch this poetry in stills. Warm regards an safe travels of course on the roads of life
Fritsch said…
Thanks Ulf. And thanks to Walter, Ulf & all the others of 591 photogrpahy to let this happen. What a pleasure. Words can hardly describe.

All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
Uwe said…
Danke Florian!
Einige der Fotos kannte ich ja schon von Deiner Seite. Aber es ist mir immer wieder eine Freude, Deinen subtilen Bild-Text- Kombinationen zu folgen. Mir gefallen vor allem auch Deine Farbkompositionen mit ihrer Leuchtkaft und den sprechenden Situationen, die Du mit ihnen eingefangen hast.
Alles Gute weiterhin. Grüße, Uwe
Vale said…
very cool the last one! :)