591 Exhibition: Coloured Moments - Cosmin Munteanu
Greetings from Romania. Receiving this great opportunity to share a view over my work of about two-three years in photography as an amateur I was very excited knowing that the way I see through the lens of a camera could bring joy to many. As a great photographer once questioned himself and the interviewer "What is more fleeting than the expression on a face?" I try to capture the moment, with a click of the shutter, just like a blink of an eye.
It may sound like a paradox, but I find it very hard to "explain" photography. It is still a mystery to me. When I was about eight years old a box camera was one of the most fascinating things in my life. It hasn't changed much after all these years - photography is still a miracle, concrete and yet elusive, authentic and yet an illusion.
I have published around 150 online exhibitions right here in cooperation with so many fine photographers. Everyone of them is important to me, though I sometimes can't find the right words to present their work.
Many of Cosmin Munteanu's pictures make me smile - and I am very fond of his use of colours. The approach, attitude in street photography is quite important, I think. Could I use the word a "humanistic" approach? By that I am not referring to that the pictures should be conventional or ordinary - because life is neither.
Cosmin is a young photographer with the gift of seeing - he depicts people in the streets with that "human touch" that appeals so much to me. - Mr Urbano
Photos © Cosmin Munteanu