East of West LA - portraits by Kevin McCollister



Crying Man

My work is based on the streets of Los Angeles. These streets are very far removed from the glamour of Hollywood. I believe they present a view of Los Angeles that is rarely acknowledged, except perhaps by Charles Bukowski.

Additonally, I have a book, East of West LA, which has been reviewed in several print and online venues.

Kevin McCollister

Kevins photos from the streets of LA are uncompromised and with great integrity - some of the strongest street portraits I have come across.
Mr Urbano


Late Night Gangster

Megan With Split Knuckle and Two Cloves of Garlic

Learn more about the photographer : East of West L.A.
All photos © Kevin McCollister


paulboo said…
Incredible images, very telling indeed.
Arr Day said…
It is true that McCollister's street portraits show a wide spectrum of charaters, tempers and personnalities with equal respect.
I also sense the pleasure he derives from meeting these people, from photographying them and acknowledging their presence, their lives ans their contribution to a society just by being who they are.
His approach is without superfluity, though never gross. He in fact reveals some subtleties of his encounters with discretion.
Thank you for sharing.
br said…
very strong and well-seen work!!!
LensNut said…
Wow, those are simply stunning! *Off to look up your book*
DJ said…
Great stuff! More please. Life without cencorship is pure, true and a must to see.