Images d'une époque...

Images of a time that seems distant, but hardly is.
Moments that are clearer now than they were then.
Images d'une époque qui semble lointaine et pourtant si proche...
Moments qui paraissent aujourd'hui plus prégnants qu'ils ne l'étaient alors.
Bilder ifrån en tid som känns avlägsen, men som knappast är det.
Stunder som är tydligare nu än då.
See the full series Images d'une époque...
Morgan Malaska
Born: 1988.
Lives in: Stockholm, Sweden.
Inspiration (photographers): Anders Petersen, Daido Moriyama, countless others.
Inspiration (other): Wim Wenders, Jan Troell, friends and strangers.
Film, digital or both: Both, though film is my preference.
Quote: "Photography, an anchor to reality. Always bridging gaps."- Morgan Malaska "That 15th of a second. Once you´ve been there, you keep on wanting to get back." - Anders Petersen
Homepage/contact: ("really bad" - Morgan's words)
He is here too: