591 Exhibition - Justin James Reed
The exhibition America The Beautiful is a blend of pictures from two of Justin's projects; "South Philadelphia" and "Westwards". His photos of people of South Philadelphia got my attention, I saw a photographer interacting with the people he portrays - no haze or doubt, very distinct. Exploring further the photography of Justin James Reed, I realized that he easily finds his way with other motifs too, like landscapes, architecture etc. I wanted to show that part of him as well, so we worked out this combination from two different series.
Justin James Reed
Born: 1980
Lives in: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Latest exhibition: 2008:"Meet Waradise - Fjord," Waradise Gallery, New York, Ny "Revisiting America," Bond Street Gallery, Brooklyn, Ny
Inspiration (photographers): Too many to name, but some of my current favorites are:
Amy Elkins
Brian Ulrich
Cara Phillips
Dina Kantor
Gerald Edwards III
Hannah Whitaker
Kevin Bewersdorf
Jon Feinstein
Michael Vahrenwald
Noel Rodo Vankeulen
Ofer Wolberger
Olaf Breuning
Richard Renaldi
Tanyth Berkeley
Timothy Briner
Todd Hido
Whitney Hubbs
Will Steacy
Okay, it looks like I was able to name a lot of them!!
Inspiration (other):
Music (Currently listening to):
Arthur Russell "World of Echo"
David Bowie "Reality"
Nine Inch Nails "The Slip"
Talking Heads "Sand In the Vasaline"
The Notwist "The Devil, You + Me"
Books (Just finished, always going back to, or currently engaged with):
David Hickey "Air Guitar"
John Milton "Paradise Lost"
John Steinbeck "Travels With Charley"
Neal Stephenson "Anathem"
Richard Ford "Independence Day"
Robert Adams "Beauty In Photography"
Film, digital or both: For my personal work, Film always. Although I do dabble in digital for side projects from time to time.
Quote: "Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop." - Ansel Adams
A favourite photograph: Again, too many to count, but possibly my favorite portrait:
"Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Builder of the Steamship "Great Eastern" . 1857 by, Robert Howlett and one of my favorite landscapes: "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" . 1855 by, Roger Fenton
Website: www.JustinJamesReed.com